Sharon Martin - Managed Nerds


Sharon Martin, a seasoned cybersecurity expert, founded Managed Nerds with a mission to support the smallest businesses—those with 10 or fewer employees. These businesses, which comprise most small enterprises, often lack access to enterprise-grade cybersecurity and reliable IT service providers. Recognizing this critical gap, Sharon set out to address the "cybersecurity poverty line" by offering affordable, essential services tailored to these underserved businesses.

Sharon’s journey into cybersecurity began with the U.S. Army Cyber Command at Fort Gordon, where she was part of the original cyber combat mission teams—her time at Huntress, a company focused on small business security, further highlighted the need for specialized IT support for micro businesses. The hacking of Augusta's city systems was a pivotal moment for Sharon, fueling her determination to protect small businesses and local governments from similar threats.

Managed Nerds is unique in its cybersecurity-first approach. Unlike other IT service providers who treat cybersecurity as an add-on, Sharon made it the core of her business. This focus allows her to offer robust protection without requiring businesses to commit to long-term contracts, ensuring they only pay for the services they truly need.

When Sharon began building Managed Nerds, she sought out support from the Make Startups program and These local initiatives became essential to her business's development. provided her with a professional environment and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, offering her an “office away from home” where she could hold meetings and connect with others. However, it was the Make Startups program that truly transformed her business approach.

“I realized I had backed myself into a corner. If I continued charging the rates I was, I would be out of business within four months.”

“Make Startups really opened my eyes to the importance of cash flow management,” Sharon says. During the program, she discovered that her initial pricing strategy was unsustainable. “I realized I had backed myself into a corner. If I continued charging the rates I was, I would be out of business within four months.” This realization, made through the detailed financial analysis encouraged by Make Startups, allowed Sharon to adjust her pricing and service offerings, ensuring her business’s survival and growth.

Through Make Startups, Sharon was also introduced to CofounderOS, a software tool designed to guide entrepreneurs through the startup process. CofounderOS provided Sharon with a methodical approach to building her business, ensuring she didn’t overlook critical areas. “CofounderOS helped me identify weaknesses in my business plan and gave me the structure I needed to improve those areas,” she explains. The tool was instrumental in helping her refine her business model, manage cash flow effectively, and set realistic goals for growth.

One of Sharon's biggest challenges was managing her time effectively. Initially, she balanced another job with building Managed Nerds, which limited her ability to network and grow the business. However, with the insights and support from Make Startups and CofounderOS, she was able to transition to working full-time on her business. She also began outsourcing tasks like bookkeeping, which freed her to focus on what truly mattered—expanding her business and serving her clients.

Sharon Martin pitching Managed Nerds at Make Startups 2024 Demo Day

Looking ahead, Sharon envisions Managed Nerds serving hundreds of small businesses, supported by a growing team and streamlined processes. She credits Make Startups and for helping her reach this point. “The mentorship and resources I received were invaluable,” she notes, advising aspiring entrepreneurs to take full advantage of such programs. Sharon also emphasizes the importance of being prepared—having the basics in place, like registering an LLC, can significantly accelerate growth when joining a program like Make Startups. She highlights the value of CofounderOS in providing structure and clarity during the startup process, helping her navigate the complexities of building a business.

Sharon’s journey with Managed Nerds shows how a clear mission, coupled with the right support and tools, can lead to a meaningful impact. Through the resources provided by Make Startups,, and CofounderOS, Sharon has not only built a thriving business but also contributed to the security and success of small businesses in her community.



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